
A group of three or four people (ideally the same gender, or two couples together) coming together to encourage one another in their relationship with God, and in living out that relationship in their connections to other people – to know Jesus and share his love.


Restrictions on meeting together in larger groups, both inside and outside, are likely to continue for some time, and even when we can get together on Sundays opportunities for fellowship can be limited. The current home group season is also shortly coming to an end. Summer micro groups are one way to help us stay connected with God and each other.


This is for anyone who has a desire to know more about faith, grow deeper in their faith, or wants to encourage others along their faith journey. This is not compulsory or designed to create another ‘thing to do’ for people who already feel over-burdened and weighed down.
There are people who were just getting to know BPC before lockdown and perhaps would find it easier through a micro group to connect with, and get to know, a smaller group of people as we begin to emerge from lockdown.
Others have maybe been thinking about something like this for some time but don’t know who to approach, or where to start looking for material.
There may be groups of friends who could come together quite naturally to form a micro group. Others might want to put their names forward and be put into a group. Some groups like this already exist in BPC – and they are free to continue.


The following principles apply:
• Ideally 3 – 4 people per micro group
• Groups should be single gender, or comprise two couples
• Prayer should always be a part of a meet-up along with material that encourages deeper connection in our relationship with God e.g. a Christian book, a series of podcasts, study material


While online means of connecting remain available where possible micro groups would be encouraged to meet in person, as restrictions permit, for a walk, in a coffee shop, in a garden etc.
For more information contact Karen Jardine – karenjardine13@gmail.com