
Dear Friends,

Today someone asked me to name something that had brought me encouragement since lockdown.

‘Peoples generosity of spirit’

While there have been many trials and worries over these past weeks, I’m sure you will also agree that there have been many illustrations of kindness, thoughtfulness and love which have encouraged the heart and raised the spirits.

This has also been true in BPC. Both our church Treasurer Jenny McNarry and I have received requests from members of the congregation wanting to find out how they can contribute to our Free Will Offering and Building Funds. This is so encouraging as no one has asked for money.

In-fact if anything we have been reluctant to mention finances when we know many people are on furlough or facing uncertainty in their jobs.

But as someone wrote recently:-

“Giving our offerings is an important element of service, both for the giver and the recipient. Can you tell me how I can continue to worship God  with my money while we are no longer meeting together?”

  • FWO envelopes can be filled weekly as normal , kept safe and donated when restrictions are lifted on a big gift day or
  • If willing, people may chose to contribute to FWO by standing order or via e-banking either monthly or weekly.
  • Building Fund donations can also be made this way, but please state these are for the building fund by adding the letters BF to your payment reference.

The Church bank details are

  • Sort Code: 98-00-30 
  • Account Number: 04290075


For FWO please use: your FWO Number e.g. 999 

For Building Fund please use your FWO Number BF e.g. 999 BF 

Jenny is also happy to speak to any who would like assistance please e-mail or call 028 9041 9327.

Recently Session resolved to use some of the money from our Parallel Project to provide food aid to our partners in Rwanda and Moldova. Along with a further donation from a Bloomfield member, £3750 was sent to Gilgal Church which shared it with its two daughter churches, one near the border with Tanzania and the other close to the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. In total, 152 families have been supported with food during this time of lockdown when many people can neither afford food or medicine, each receiving 25 kg of Maize and 10 kgs of beans.

Photos and the letter of thanks from Gilgal Church are available to view on the BPC website.

This is the sort of thing we are glad to be able to do as well as pay our regular bills so that others can likewise be encouraged.

All we have, and all we give back to God in our offerings is only a tiny response to what God has first granted to us in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please be encouraged then in your faith and enjoy this version of ‘My Heart is filled with thankfulness’.


Yours most sincerely from Frank

Rwanda Photos