Our aim is to create and promote a safe environment for children, young people and leaders. We believe that next to proclaiming God’s Word and the love of Jesus, nothing could be more important than keeping our children and young people safe.
The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) has a child protection programme called ‘Taking Care’, which advises and resources local congregations to provide a safe environment for children, young people and leaders. Full details of the programme can be found here.
The programme is an integral part of all the children and youth work conducted at Bloomfield Presbyterian Church. All leaders and helpers, over the age of 18, working with children 0–18 yrs are vetted through Access NI and PCI. If you are a new leader needing an AccessNI check please click here. Training is also mandatory and is undertaken by the Taking Care Trainers in PCI every 3 years.
Our child protection policies are available for inspection on church noticeboards, and we have a designated person who can be contacted for further information.
Boys’ Brigade
Leaders are nominated and approved by BPC and appointed by the Boys’ Brigade. Leaders are therefore jointly accountable to BPC and to the Boys’ Brigade. It is necessary to complete both the BB Appointment Form and the church’s Application Form. This will require 2 separate AccessNI Checks.