“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the person who takes refuge in Him.”
Psalm 34 v8
Dear Friends,
On Wednesday evening 30th September at 7.30pm, after a long period of preparation, Philip Boyd, assistant minister in Legacurry Presbyterian Church, will be Licensed as a probationer for the ordained ministry. He will be affirmed by the Presbytery of East Belfast as a preacher of the gospel in the church he grew up in, came to faith in, was nurtured in, baptised in, took communion in and is much loved in. This is a moment for celebration.
“The Lord is Good.”
On Wednesday evening, the service of worship will begin with those wonderful words from Psalm 100 “All people that on earth do dwell”. This ancient hymn concludes
“For the Lord is good and his love endures for ever!”
On Wednesday evening, the scripture reading will come from the early chapters of the book of Ezekiel. In his commissioning as a prophet of the Lord, this young man is given a scroll containing the word of God. Lifegiving words from the giver of life. “Eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it. So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” 3v3.
“Taste and see that the Lord is Good.”
As we give thanks to God for Philip. For his calling as a pastor/preacher, so we also give praise to God for his great love to us in Jesus Christ. For his mercy, love and grace through thick and thin, through happy times and hard, through challenging days and uncertain future, together we chose to say “The Lord is Good.”
While none of us can tell what the next few weeks will bring and whether our plans to meet on Wednesday evenings in Connect Groups or on Sunday evenings around the Lord’s Table will take place as hoped, nonetheless because “By his stripes I’ve been healed and by his blood I’ve been made clean” we can still with confidence collectively affirm
“The Lord is Good”.
Huge thanks to Mervyn, Peter, Mark and the team of singers and musicians from our congregation who have put together this terrific song. With one voice wherever we happen to be and whatever our particular circumstances, together may we sing:-
“The Lord is good. O taste and see that the Lord is good!”
Most Sincerely from Frank