
31st December 2020

Dear friends,

Last year my New Year’s resolution was to avoid negative people.
This year it is to avoid people who are positive!

Last year if someone went into a bank wearing a mask and asked for money, they would be locked up.
This year if you ventured into a bank and asked for cash without wearing a mask, you would be locked up!

We all have hopes that 2021 will be better year than 2020.
Yet we know deep down that unless our anticipation is beyond some kind of simple ‘return to normal’ we will be no more happy or secure than before.
For the believer, hope rests in something far greater than a vaccine but in the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus who is Life Everlasting.

As we venture into this new decade may I commend to you this beautiful song by Dave Fournier based on Psalm 139 which seeks God’s careful, wise, pastoral and faithful involvement in the lives of all those within whom God’s Holy Spirit dwells.

May Christ himself be our faith, comfort and hope for all of our tomorrows.

With warmest love from Frank