Dear Friends,
This week quite a number of you received a scam e mail purporting to be from myself, asking for financial help for the benefit of a cancer sufferer. I can only apologise for the trouble this may have caused and to assure you that it has been reported to the police. Please know I would never request money in this way.
I do however sometimes receive special offers which I gladly pass on, including one from The Good Book Company pertaining to a new publication by Tim Chester called “An Ocean of Grace” for use during Lent. It is a book of historical prayers including an extract of this one from an English reformer I had never heard of before, Thomas Becon (1512-1567)
I am a sinner; but you are a Saviour.
I am sick; but you are a Physician.
I am blind; but you are the Light of the world.
I am Satan’s prisoner; but you are a Redeemer.
I am dead in sin; but you are the Resurrection and Life.
I am hungry; but you are the Living Bread.
I am thirsty; but you are the Well of life.
I am poor; but you are the Lord of all wealth.
I am a barren tree; but you are the true and fruitful Vine.
I am a lost sheep; but you are the Good Shepherd.
I am the prodigal son; but you are the gentle Father.
I am by nature a child of wrath; but you are by nature the Son of the Living God.
I am by nature a sinful person; but you are by nature the righteous and innocent Man.
I am a daily offender; but you are a continual Mediator.
I am a breaker of the law; but you are the Fulfiller of the law.
I have lost my heavenly inheritance through sin; but you have recovered it by your death.
I have brought about my own destruction; but you have brought me salvation by your precious blood.
You are called the Way: therefore lead me from the vanities of this world, and from the filthy pleasures of the flesh, towards heavenly and spiritual things.
You are called the Truth: therefore do not allow me to walk in the way of error, but let me walk the path of truth in everything I do.
You are called the Light: therefore put away from me the works of darkness, that I may walk as the child of light in all goodness, righteousness and truth.
You are called a Saviour: therefore save me from my sins, according to your name.
You are called the Alpha and Omega—that is, the beginning and end of all goodness: therefore begin a good life in me, and finish it to the glory of your blessed name.
So shall I, receiving these benefits at your merciful hand, praise and magnify your blessed name for evermore.
Lent, the period this year between Ash Wednesday (17th Feb) and Easter (4th April) has traditionally been a time when Christians reflect on their spiritual health and seek God’s face. Since this year it will not be possible for us to hold Holy Week services with our neighbouring congregations, you may find this new book containing daily devotions and prayers from great Christian writers of the past including Augustine, Charles Spurgeon, John Bunyan, Catherine Parr and Martin Luther to be an encouragement and inspiration as much today as when they were first written . For this reason I’ve enclosed this short promotional video from The Good Book Company along with details how to claim a 45% discount. (honestly!) God bless you and keep you safe from all harm and danger.
With best good wishes for St Valentines Day, this Sunday and throughout Lent,
from Frank.
Here is the link to the video including the discount code for An Ocean of Grace.