Dear friends,

What a joy now to be able to see each other face to face (albeit with masks!)

What a delight to able to stand to sing and enjoy live praise (albeit still with masks!)

Boris tells us we will soon be able to hug (not mandatory!)

Gradually, ever so gradually things are beginning to get back to some kind of ‘new normal.’

Normal, yet not quite back to the way it was. Let me quote some words from The Moderator Dr David Bruce:-
The Presbyterian Church which will emerge from the disruption of Covid will not be the same as the church which entered it in March of 2020. It may be that some segments of our church and its activities will disappear completely. But I am sure that other parts will grow and flourish in ways we couldn’t anticipate. My prayer for us as a people is that we would be so focused on the one who calls us to serve that we will be willing to set aside some cherished things from the past in order to follow closely after Jesus. I pray that we will heed his leading and gather the resilience to serve him with gladness and great joy. I pray that we will not be burdened by this, but blessed by it. I pray that with such resilience, we will bounce back, recover and move on to the next chapter of our story – because ultimately it is his story in which we are privileged to participate.

As participants in God’s story in Bloomfield we continue to focus our attention on Jesus.

On Sunday mornings along with Kidzone we begin a new series called ‘Heroes of Faith, pointing to THE HERO’ and on Sunday evenings we continue our studies on ‘Prophets of the Old Testament’ seeing how they all point to Jesus the ultimate Prophet, Priest and King.

Christ is the focus of our praise. He will build his church and not even the gates of hell will be able to prevail against her! (Matthew 16:18)

So be encouraged, as participants in His church may we find our renewed joy and delight in Him.

Most Sincerely,