
Dear friends,

Bad news is that we ran out of Alistair Begg’s book about Daniel last Sunday as the copies flew out the door!
Good news is that we’ve got another batch (50 copies) available at church this week.

What makes its subject so compelling is not just the author’s easy way of writing (which he has) or that it’s a book suitable for a broad range of people (which it is) but because it addresses honestly and boldly the situation many of us find ourselves in.

Not so long ago, to be a church member:- that was perceived to be a ‘good thing’. Then to be a Christian:- that was ‘ok for you, as long as you don’t expect me to join in’. More recently things have changed. Being a believer:- well, that’s something that’s at odds with society, a peculiarity, certainly to be kept private, some say even downright harmful. I’ve lived long enough to experience all these changes.

Maybe it won’t be long until public profession of faith in The Lord Jesus will be illegal.
Who knows?

Am I discouraged? Afraid?
Not when I read about Daniel, one of the great heroes of our faith.(Hebrews 11: 33)
Or rather, when I read about Daniel’s God.
Let’s then be “Brave by Faith.” Have a God-sized confidence in a post-Christian world.


PS Some of you have already decided to use ‘Brave by Faith’ RRP £7.99. (Available at church for £6.00 ) as the basis for your ‘Micro Group’ this Summer.
Should it be of interest, a helpful free Study Guide has been prepared to accompany the book, along with some worship material. It is available via

“This life will not be easy, because there is raging around us ‘a continual and irreconcilable war,’ and neutrality is not an option. Life may get harder. Society may get unfriendlier. Faith in Christ may become still more unacceptable and obedience to Christ still more costly. But … Jesus reigns, and Jesus will return. We may not understand every part of the picture …, but stand back and see the broad sweep of it. God has won. God wins. And so we will prevail too, beyond the battle that you and I are a part of and must fight well in.”
—Alistair Begg