Despite the removal on Monday 26th July of the legal requirement to wear face-coverings at services of worship, the clear and strong guidance of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) remains that face-coverings should continue to be worn at all services of worship. This is especially the case where there is congregational singing, as it mitigates against risk associated with such singing.

Please also note that it is still a legal requirement to wear a face covering when entering and exiting the church building and at all non-worship meetings and activities.

In the light of the above, the PCI General Council Standing Committee, acting with delegated authority, agreed that in light of clear public health guidance, face-coverings remain a requirement (unless exempted) at all indoor services of worship, apart from those leading from the front and the bride, groom, bridesmaids and best-men during wedding services.

The BPC COVID-19 working group appointed by Kirk Session have reviewed the update from PCI and have recommended to Kirk Session that we continue to follow the PCI guidelines to keep face coverings on during worship services. We therefore ask that you continue to abide by these guidelines at this time and pray that restrictions continue to be eased in the next few weeks.